Utstedt 15. desember 2008
Sist oppdatert 12. juni 2024

Retningslinjen dekker operasjonell risikostyring og internkontroll for alle prosesser underlagt ansvarsområdet til leder for Norges Bank Investment Management, inkludert prosjekter og utkontrakterte tjenester.

Retningslinjen er kun tilgjengelig på engelsk.


Operational risks shall systematically be identified, assessed, mitigated, monitored, and reported to provide reasonable assurance that objectives will be achieved in accordance with the Executive Board’s operational risk tolerance. Business continuity and crisis management shall ensure priorities according to the Executive Board principles for emergency preparedness and crisis management.

NBIM shall have a second-line operational risk function to advise and assist the organisation in the management of operational risk. The second-line risk function shall maintain an NBIM wide operational risk picture.


Risk tolerance

Risk identification and assessment

 Risk response

Risk review and control assurance

Incident management

Reporting and escalation