Utstedt 16. september 2009
Sist oppdatert 12. desember 2023

Retningslinjen er kun tilgjengelig på engelsk.


The performance of the Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) and the equity investments of Norges Banks foreign exchange reserves (the "funds") managed by Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) shall be calculated and presented in accordance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). The performance shall be measured with a high degree of accuracy in line with industry practice.

For the purpose of performance measurement of the GPFG and its asset classes, NBIM has defined the following inception dates:

For the purpose of performance measurement of the GPFG asset class management, NBIM has defined the following inception dates:

The GPFG's relative performance shall be decomposed along the investment strategies decided by the Executive Board of Norges Bank. Since 2013, the following investment strategies have been employed in the management of the GPFG: Fund allocation, security selection and market exsposure. For the purpose of performance measurement of the equity investments of Norges Banks foreign exchange reserves, NBIM has defined the following inception date: 31 December 2001.


NBIM is committed to measure performance according to industry practice and to ensure this, NBIM shall adhere to Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS). To ensure fair value, the valuation of the assets shall meet relevant International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and principles as set out in the policy on valuation. The return on the funds shall be calculated and presented both from the fund owner’s and from an investment manager perspective.

Performance measurement processes, systems and controls shall be robust and in line with industry practice and verified to be GIPS compliant.

Fund net asset value

Performance calculation


Performance measurement system and controls

Verification of compliance to GIPS