Proposal Mgt rec Vote
Management proposals
1 Open Meeting None None
2 Elect Chairman of Meeting For For
3 Prepare and Approve List of Shareholders For For
4 Approve Agenda of Meeting For For
5 Designate Inspector(s) of Minutes of Meeting For For
6 Acknowledge Proper Convening of Meeting For For
7 Receive Chairman's Report None None
8 Receive President's Report None None
9 Receive Financial Statements and Statutory Reports on Consolidated Accounts None None
10 Accept Financial Statements and Statutory Reports on Consolidated Accounts For For
11 Approve Allocation of Income and Dividends of SEK 8.25 Per Share For For
12 Approve Discharge of Board and President For For
13 Determine Number of Members (7) and Deputy Members (0) of Board For For
14 Approve Remuneration of Directors in the Amount of SEK 2.4 Million for Chairman, SEK 1.8 Million for Vice Chairman and SEK 600,000 for Other Directors; Approve Remuneration for Committee Work; Approve Remuneration of Auditors For For
15a Reelect Dame Amelia Fawcett as Director For For
15b Reelect Wilhelm Klingspor as Director For For
15c Reelect Erik Mitteregger as Director For For
15d Reelect Henrik Poulsen as Director For For
15e Reelect Mario Queiroz as Director For For
15f Reelect Cristina Stenbeck as Director For For
15g Elect Charlotte Stromberg as New Director For For
16 Elect Dame Amelia Fawcett as Board Chairman For For
17 Authorize Representatives of at Least Three of Company's Largest Shareholders to Serve on Nominating Committee For For
18 Approve Remuneration Policy And Other Terms of Employment For Executive Management For For
19a Approve Performance Share Matching Plan LTI 2018 For For
19b Amend Articles Re: Equity-Related For For
19c Approve Issuance of Shares to Participants of LTI 2018 For For
20 Approve Transfer of Class B Shares For For
21 Authorize Share Repurchase Program For For
22 Entitle Holders of Class A Shares to Reclassify their Class A Shares into Class B Shares For For
23 Close Meeting None None


This page contains certain information as to the voting intentions of Norges Bank in its role as manager of the Government Pension Fund Global. This disclosure is provided to promote transparency as to Norges Bank’s engagement with investee companies, and in view of its approach to responsible investing. Norges Bank’s voting intention is an internal decision and has not been agreed with any third party. Please note the following:

  • This disclosure is provided for information purposes only. It does not constitute advice and should not be taken as a recommendation or an instruction on any matter, including whether any relevant third party should buy, sell or retain shares, or how any third party should exercise any voting rights they may have. Any person who wishes to obtain advice should seek this from a professional adviser. This disclosure is not a proxy solicitation and is not intended to influence the vote of other shareholders.
  • No reliance should be placed on this information or its accuracy, and Norges Bank accepts no responsibility or liability for any action taken or not taken on the basis of this information. Any relevant third party should form their own views based on their own analysis of the relevant facts and circumstances.
  • To be clear, Norges Bank has no duty of care in respect of any third party who decides to view this disclosure, which shall be done entirely at their own risk.
  • Any information in this disclosure is subject to change without notice. In particular, be aware that Norges Bank’s intentions and the holdings of the Government Pension Fund Global may change over time and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, Norges Bank disclaims any responsibility to update this information as a result of such changes or for any other reason.
  • Securities lending or other activity may mean that the votes cast by Norges Bank are significantly different than its economic or published holding of shares, or significantly different from its holding at the date of this disclosure. No assumption should be made or reliance placed on the number of votes that will be cast.
  • Norges Bank is not subject to any prohibition on securities lending, trading or other activity as a result of this disclosure at any point prior to or after the publication of this disclosure.