We refer to your 29 August 2014 invitation to respond to the Concept Paper on Weighted Voting Rights (‘Concept Paper’). We appreciate the opportunity to participate and provide comments to Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (‘the Exchange’).

Norges Bank Investment Management is the investment management division of the Norwegian Central Bank (‘Norges Bank’) and is responsible for investing the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global (the ‘fund’). The fund is invested in assets of about USD 860 billion of which approximately USD 19 billion is invested in equities listed in Hong Kong.

We are a diversified investor with an equity portfolio consisting of minority stakes in listed companies. We regard the protection of minority shareholder rights as a necessary requirement to safeguard and promote the fund’s financial interests. As such, issues concerning the treatment and rights of different shareholders are of interest to us.

In this letter we have raised our main perspectives. In the appendix to the letter we have also detailed our response to your Consultation Questions. 

Once again, thank you for providing us with an opportunity to contribute our views.

Yours sincerely

Trond Grande   
Deputy Chief Executive Officer                                          

William Ambrose
Global Head of Ownership Strategies

Appendix 1: Detailed response to Concept Paper from Hong Kong Stock Exchanges and Clearing Limited

Download the submission (PDF)