The fund started out as a reluctant owner. Today, we vote at more than 11,000 shareholder meetings and have nearly 3,500 meetings with companies every year. We publish expectations of companies that make clear our priorities as a long-term owner. We contribute actively to the development of international standards on responsible business conduct.

Presented at a virtual NBIM Talk

The CEO Yngve Slyngstad, Chief Governance Officer Carine Smith Ihenacho and Head of Governance Jonas Jølle, will take us through the fund's last 20-years experience as an investor in over 9,000 companies and discuss how we went from a small, reluctant owner to a large, active owner. We will also take a virtual travel to meet Professor Alex Edmans at the London Business School and Paul Simpson, CEO of CDP. They will talk about the role of large investors, responsible business conduct and the development of international standards.