About the fund

The Government Pension Fund Global was established after Norway discovered oil in the North Sea. The fund was set up to shield the economy from ups and downs in oil revenue. It also serves as a financial reserve and as a long-term savings plan so that both current and future generations of Norway get to benefit from our national wealth.

Who decides what?

The governance structure ensures that important decisions concerning the level of risk assumed have the support of the fund's owners, represented by the Norwegian government and the Storting. However, it is emphasised that there must be sufficient delegation to ensure that operational investment decisions are made close to the markets the fund is invested in.

The Parliament (Stortinget)

Has laid down the formal framework for the fund in the Government Pension Fund Act.

Ministry of Finance

Has overall responsibility for the fund and issues guidelines for its management.

Norges Bank

Is responsible for managing the fund. The Executive Board has delegated the operational management of the fund to Norges Bank Investment Management.

Norges Bank Investment Management

Manages the fund with the mission of safeguarding and building financial wealth for future generations.

About Norges Bank Investment Management

We are responsible for the operational management of the fund, and our objective is to achieve the highest possible return. We aim to do this in a safe, efficient, responsible and transparent manner. The fund is invested worldwide and so we are an international organisation with a global outlook.

We are 676 people from 37 countries with offices in Oslo, London, New York and Singapore.

Career opportunities

At Norges Bank Investment Management, you will be working for one of the largest funds in the world. Managing the fund is an important and complex task that requires an international investment organisation with high standards when it comes to operations, governance, compliance, transparency and accountability. We offer exciting challenges in a wide range of disciplines.

Women in finance

We want to help increase the proportion of women in leadership positions in the finance industry. As a signatory to the Women in Finance Charter, we have made a commitment to set internal targets for gender balance in leadership and senior positions. We also host Women’s Investment Summit for female students who want to further develop their interest in finance.

Our offices

We have offices in Oslo, London, New York and Singapore. Our global presence brings us closer to the markets we invest in and ensures stronger links with partners in different parts of the world.

Head office
Norges Bank Investment Management
Bankplassen 2
P.O. Box 1179 Sentrum
NO-0107 Oslo, Norway

Tel: +47 24 07 30 00

Contact us

Norges Bank Investment Management
London office
Queensberry House
3 Old Burlington Street,
London W1S 3AE

Phone:  +44 20 7534 9000
Fax:  +44 20 7534 9010

Contact us

Norges Bank Investment Management
New York office
505 Fifth Avenue,
20th Floor
New York, NY 10017

Phone:  +1 917 542 8500

Contact us

Norges Bank Investment Management
Singapore office
One Raffles Quay
#27-01 North Tower
Singapore 048583

Phone: +65 6571 6000
Fax: +65 6571 6001

Contact us

We also have real estate offices in Tokyo and Paris.

Upcoming events

29. Apr 2025

Investment Conference 2025

The topic of the Investment Conference 2025 is: What makes a great company? It will take place on 29 April at our Oslo office, and will also be live-streamed.