Web cast from the press conference

Deputy CEO, Trond Grande, presented the results for the for the first half 2020 at a press conference at Norges Bank on 18th August. The press conference was in Norwegian.

The fund's return in first half of 2020

billion kroner

The fund returned -3,4 percent, or -188 billion kroner, in the first half of 2020. The fund’s overall return was 11 basis points lower than the return on the benchmark index.

-6.8% return on equity

The equity investments returned-6.8 percent.

-1.6% return on real estate

The unlisted real estate investments returned -1.6 percent.

5,1% return on fixed income

The fixed-income investments returned 5.1 percent.

The market value at end of first half 2020

10,400 billion kroner

The funds market value was 10,400 billion kroner at the end of first half 2020.

7,234 billion kroner

The equity investments had a market value of 7,234 billion kroner. This was to 69.6 percent of the fund's total value.

Real estate
295 billion kroner

The unlisted real estate investments had a market value of 295 billion kroner. This was to 2.8 percent of the fund's total value.

Fixed income
2,871 billion kroner

The fixed-income investments had a market value of 2,871 billion kroner. This was to 27.6 percent of the fund's total value.