“Everything that happens in the world affects my job, making it both interesting and exciting. Psychology is important as well as analysis, so it puts my skills to good use,” says Malin Norberg, Co-Chief Investment Officer Asset Strategies.
Malin leads a team based in Singapore, Oslo, London and New York, and she loves having the whole world as her workplace.
Malin started in the position as Co-Chief Investment Officer Asset Strategies on 1 April 2023. The interview was conducted when she was Global Head of Fixed Income Trading.
Malin leads a team based in Singapore, Oslo, London and New York, and she loves having the whole world as her workplace. Chance led her to Oslo and the fund originally, and she has been here for more than 12 years now.
“I’ve had new roles and challenges the whole time, which is one of the reasons I’m still here,” she says. “If you’re up for it, there are all kinds of opportunities to be had at the fund.”
Openings abroad
Malin initially worked on technology and was soon given considerable responsibility. After a few years, she joined the trading team and was asked to join the trading desk in New York.
“It was a great opportunity in every way, both career-wise and for me personally. In principle, it was the same job, but a different market brings very different challenges. I learned so much from it. I also got to know the people working for the fund in New York much better than when you only head over a couple of times a year. That’s a big advantage for me in my job.
“There are plenty of openings abroad if you want them, and I strongly recommend it. I probably wouldn’t have the job I have now if I hadn’t worked in other parts of the organisation. You might not land your ultimate dream job straight away, but you can move around here at the fund until you do.”
Malin eventually moved back to Oslo to head up trading in emerging markets, and she has held her current post since January 2021.
“I start each day by seeing how the market has moved overnight. My job is to keep tabs on the market and ensure that everything is working so that my team can perform. I try to improve structures and processes for my team so that we have clear priorities. When someone in my department does something really well, it’s great to see and be a part of. I find this really motivating.”
Has fun at work
Another thing that motivates Malin is beating the market.
“I don’t do so much trading myself any more, but I do some, and it’s always rewarding when you take the right decisions at the right time and make the right trades. Even without that much actual trading, we discuss the market within the team every day. I make great use of my interpersonal skills, as it’s important to understand what other people are thinking.”
She believes that one of the best things about her job is that the fund is a large and important player and so has the access to information, counterparties and decision-makers around the world that is needed to make the right decisions.
“I also work with some really great people. They’re a talented and hard-working bunch, and we have a lot of fun at work.”
Important social role
Malin sees the fund as one of the most meaningful places you could work in the financial world.
“We’re a fairly small organisation but manage an awful lot of responsibility and capital. My experience was that you get a huge amount of responsibility from the outset. We’re talking huge sums, and the decisions you make have a big impact. We need to manage the fund’s investments responsibly for future generations.”
She explains that the fund’s social role is even more important to her now than when she started. When out and about and talking to people, and maybe especially when seeing what other financial institutions are doing, she finds it rewarding to think that the fund’s investments are about more than just making money.
“It’s great to be proud of your work. I believe in what we do and how we invest.”
She is also proud that the fund has diversity high up on its agenda. People with different backgrounds think in different ways, she says, which is important for good decisions.
“All workplaces benefit from diversity in terms of gender, age, background and so on. Unfortunately, recruiting women into finance is still a challenge. Many still believe it’s like in the movies – all men in suits on Wall Street!”
“Finance is a great place to work for anyone looking for an interesting and challenging environment, and I’d love for more women to pursue a career in trading. In my experience, women are just as good traders as men, but less likely to think of it as a career path because of the stereotype. Speaking for myself, it‘s been nothing but a positive experience where I‘ve had multiple chances to explore exciting opportunities”.