Issued 19 May 2011
Last updated: 12 June 2024


NBIM works to safeguard the Fund's long-term value and build financial wealth for future generations. Responsible investment management supports the objective of the Fund in two ways: First, NBIM seeks to further the long-term economic performance of our investments. Secondly, NBIM seeks to reduce financial risks associated with the environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices of companies in its portfolio. NBIM will take into account how this could have impact on the Fund at market, portfolio and company level.

Responsible investment management will be based on internationally recognised principles, including the UN Global Compact, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD Principles for Corporate Governance. NBIM will respect human rights in line with applicable international standards. NBIM will carry out ongoing environmental and social due diligence of the investment portfolio and use its leverage to promote responsible business conduct. NBIM expects its investee companies to exhibit responsible business conduct, to respect human rights and, as appropriate, to address human rights issues in their direct operations, supply chains and other business relationships.

Responsible investment management further reflects the special characteristics of the Fund. The Fund is a long-term, financial investor and diversifies its investments across a large number of markets and securities. NBIM will integrate responsible investment management into its investment strategy and establish a chain of measures for responsible investment, including through standard setting, investment management and ownership activities.

NBIM has a strong interest in well-functioning, legitimate and efficient financial markets that facilitate long-term growth and are less prone to shocks.  Sustainable economic growth is a determining factor for the Fund's long-term rate of return. NBIM recognises the potential for climate change and other global sustainability developments to have a significant impact on economies and markets over time. A long-term goal for responsible investment is that the companies in the portfolio have operations that are aligned with global net zero GHG emissions targets according to the Paris agreement.

NBIM will work with companies, investors and other stakeholders to advance relevant standards, increase the information available to investors, and promote value creation, good corporate governance and responsible business conduct. NBIM will join initiatives consistent with the fund’s mandate and in support our management objective, that do not require disproportionate resources. NBIM will not collaborate on investment decisions or voting at shareholder meetings. Nor will NBIM participate in initiatives aimed primarily at policy-makers. New initiatives and relationships shall be subject to assessments of costs, complexities and benefits prior to joining. They are also governed by NBIM’s compliance requirements for external participation. 

In addition, NBIM will engage with external stakeholders, e.g., through periodic working-level meetings with non-governmental organisations (NGOs). NBIM may also seek external advice to support on its responsible investment management, including through the establishment of advisory committees and the contracting of experts.

Standard setting

Investment management

Ownership activities

Decisions by the Executive Board under the Guidelines for Observation and Exclusion
