1. Principal duties

The Chief Executive Officer of NBIM (“the Chief Executive Officer” or “NBIM CEO”) is responsible for the performance and day-to-day management of the Government Pension Fund Global (“the fund”) in accordance with the Central Bank Act, the investment mandates from the Ministry of Finance and the Executive Board and this Job Description. The Chief Executive Officer shall adhere to principles and instructions from the Executive Board, and policies and instructions from the Governor in matters concerning the common administrative tasks of Norges Bank that have been delegated from the Executive Board to the Governor. The management responsibility includes operation and development of NBIM. Day-to-day management shall not include matters that are of an unusual nature or major importance in the context of Norges Bank’s management of the fund. Matters of particular importance, of principle significance or of major public interest must be brought to the Executive Board for decision.

The Chief Executive Officer may also within the area of responsibility of NBIM decide a matter within the competence of the Executive Board if delegated, or when it is necessary for a decision to be made swiftly, and time and opportunity do not allow the matter to be presented to the Executive Board. The Chief Executive Officer shall inform the Executive Board in writing of the decision as soon as possible, cf. § 2-13 third paragraph in the Central Bank Act.

The investment management activities are organised as a separate operational area of the Central Bank, NBIM. The Chief Executive Officer shall not take part in discussions by the management of Norges Bank concerning monetary policy or financial stability issues or international organisations’ assessments of such issues. NBIM must be organised to protect inside information and other confidential or market sensitive information. NBIM employees shall, to the extent possible, not have access to confidential information from other parts of Norges Bank.

NBIM shall be organised to ensure an appropriate management structure, including adequate risk and control systems and procedures, appropriate for the fund and the portfolios under management. The organisational structure shall be based on proper segregation of duties, delegated authority and defined areas of responsibility. Delegation of investment authority shall be documented through investment mandates.

The Chief Executive Officer reports directly to Norges Bank’s Executive Board, and shall execute decisions made by the Executive Board. The Chief Executive Officer shall be entitled and obligated to attend the Executive Board’s deliberation of matters pertaining to such management and to speak thereon. This shall not apply if otherwise decided by the Executive Board or in case of the excused absence of the NBIM CEO.

The Chief Executive Officer shall as a general rule attend the Supervisory Council’s deliberation of matters pertaining to the management of the fund.

The Chief Executive Officer represents Norges Bank externally in all matters falling within the scope of his or her responsibilities, and as a consequence he or she can legally commit Norges Bank externally through agreements and other legally binding documents. This includes establishing new companies and or acquiring companies in connection with real assets investments (investment structures with no employees) and representing Norges Bank as the owner in the investment structures that are established or acquired for the real assets investments. The Chief Executive Officer shall also represent Norges Bank as owner in any management companies (companies with employees) established or acquired directly or indirectly by Norges Bank and as approved by the Executive Board ref the central bank act.

The Chief Executive Officer shall participate in Norges Bank’s Leaderforum.

The Chief Executive Officer shall participate in the Strategic crisis management group in Norges Bank.

2. Investment advice

The Chief Executive Officer shall advise the Executive Board on issues concerning investment management and is responsible for providing well-founded and documented advice on the fund’s overall investment strategy and other aspects of investment management to the Executive Board. Unless otherwise decided by the Executive Board this responsibility includes:

3. Responsible investment management and active ownership

Norges Bank’s responsible investment management and active ownership shall underpin the overall objective of ensuring a high long-term return after costs. The Chief Executive Officer shall incorporate responsible investment considerations into investment management activities and shall exercise ownership rights on behalf of the vund and portfolios managed by NBIM. This includes:

4. Planning and management

The Chief Executive Officer shall maintain and develop an appropriate organisation to support NBIM’s investment strategy. This includes:

5. Human resources and organisational development

NBIM CEO is responsible for the organisational development, recruitment and personnel management of all employees within NBIM. The NBIM CEO must obtain the consent of the Executive Board before appointing, terminating or dismissing the employee who has the role as NBIM Chief Compliance Officer.

The NBIM CEO decides on dismissal of all other employees within his area of responsibility.

NBIM CEO shall advise the Board on the remuneration arrangement in NBIM to ensure recruitment of competent personnel for positions at all levels in NBIM.

6. Common Administrative functions

For common administrative functions listed in Appendix 1, NBIM shall use the shared administrative advisory and support processes provided by Norges Bank Administration (NBA). Common administrative functions are divided into two categories; Shared functions and Tailored services.

For Shared functions (statutory tasks and common tasks) decisions from the Governor must be made in consultation with the NBIM CEO.

For tailored services for NBIM from NBA, the NBIM CEO is responsible for the ongoing follow-up by setting goals and requirements, following up on deliveries, allocating resources and making priorities within the limits of adopted budgets.

The Governor and NBIM CEO shall have a mutual obligation to share relevant information and competence, and contribute to synergies and cooperation. NBIM CEO shall hereunder assist the Governor in the fulfilment of statutory and common tasks (Shared functions) within the Governor’s area of responsibility, i.a. Norges Bank’s central employer function, including participation in negotiations on collective agreements and wage agreements under these agreements. NBIM CEO shall ensure necessary administrative system support for the potential use by the Governor’s area of responsibility of relevant NBIM systems.

7. Service providers

Apart from support functions that are the responsibility of NBA, the Chief Executive Officer may utilise the services of third party providers to achieve the strategic direction. This includes:

8. Safeguarding of legal interests

The Chief Executive Officer shall ensure that the legal interests of Norges Bank, NBIM and the fund are protected and pursued. This includes:

9. Risk and compliance

The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for establishing internal risk and compliance systems and procedures, appropriate for the fund and the portfolios under management. This includes:

The Chief Executive Officer must inform the Governor immediately about major incidents or other issues of importance that may impact the Governor’s area of responsibility.


10. Reporting and communication

On behalf of the Executive Board, the Governor is responsible for the strategic communication and dialogue with political authorities on the management of the fund, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer. NBIM CEO shall ensure that the Governor is provided with necessary advice for this task. NBIM CEO shall also ensure that the Governor is kept informed of events and issues concerning the fund that may be of public or political interest. Taking due account of this the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the effective external communication of Norges Bank’s investment management activities together with reporting to meet the requirements established by fund owners and the Executive Board of Norges Bank. 

Norges Banks Executive Board shall be informed about the investment management activities and the developments of NBIM as an organisation through regular reporting.

NBIM CEO is responsible for preparing and publishing public reports on the investment activities, including:

Reporting to the Executive Board shall include information of all significant matters relating to assets under management including status of investment management activities, as follows:

In addition, the Executive Board must also without undue delay be informed about:


Appendix 1

Within the framework laid down in governance documents issued by the Executive Board, the Governor is responsible for the following administrative functions that are common for the whole of Norges Bank. The functions include Shared functions (statutory tasks and tasks that are considered appropriate to solve as common tasks) as well as more tailored business-related services:

Property and facility management and service


Information management and specialist library



Financial reporting, accounting and procurement